
The python scripts are to be used on a Raspberry Pi with a GrovePi+ board. They aim to frequently provide and consume property changes of sensor values and also allow to activate or deactive the buzzer through a message.

For information on how to run the complete setup, please refer to the base README.md. This instruction will only give a short intro on the python part of the demo setup.


Hardware Setup

Quick start

When you have followed the base README.md, you only need to fix the address of your running Ditto instance. This can be found in ditto_grove_demo.py:

DITTO_PORT = "8080"

To start the script, call it using python3:

$ python3 ./grovepi_ditto.py

It will connect to the Websocket provided by Ditto and start sending sensor values to it.

Possible adaptions

Read here how to adapt the code if your setup differs from the demo setup.

Using another user/password to authenticate against Ditto

You can change those properties in raspberry_thing.py:

# User and password needed for providing new sensor values
THING_USER = "raspberry"
THING_PASSWORD = "raspberry"

Have a look at the base README.md for instructions on how to add a new user to the Ditto nginx instance.

Using other digital and analog ports for your sensors

You can change those properties in raspberry_thing.py:

# Digital Port D8 on the GrovePi+ is connected to the buzzer
# Analog Port A0 on the GrovePi+ is connected to the light sensor
# Digital Port D4 on the GrovePi+ is connected to the temp sensor

Testing the script without a GrovePi+

You can run the scripts without having the GrovePi+ connected to your Raspberry Pi. Though your Ditto instance has to be up and running.

Just replace the import from import grovepi inside raspberry_thing.py to the mock import:

# To 'mock' the calls to grovepi script, change this line to 'import grovepi_mock as grovepi'
import grovepi_mock as grovepi


Read here for common problems and how to solve them.

Can’t connect to Ditto